The Centre Écologique Albert Schweitzer du Burkina (CEAS Burkina) is a non-profit technical support association under Burkinabe law. Located in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, its activities began in 1982. The overall objective of CEAS Burkina is to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the population through actions that combine ecology and economy. Specifically: to contribute to the preservation of natural resources, to contribute to the resilience of populations to the effects of climate change, to facilitate access to water, hygiene and sanitation for disadvantaged populations, to promote agro-processing. Its target groups include local authorities, craftsmen, farmers and promoters of small economic units. CEAS Burkina operates in the 13 regions of Burkina Faso and in the sub-region. Its mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of Africa in general, and of Burkina Faso in particular, through the fight against poverty and the protection and sustainable management of the environment. The areas of intervention of CEAS Burkina are: Appropriate Technologies and Renewable Energies, Agro-ecology, Environment, Agro-processing and Sanitation