To guarantee this right to social protection for all, WSM connects close to 100 social movements across 24 countries in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Belgium. These different actors complement each other, and they all share the same vision and goals. These civil society organizations have joined their forces in the global network INSP!R, the International Network for Social Protection Rights.
As INSP!R, we promote and defend the universal right to social protection; we claim our role as key actors for change; we inspire widely supported social protection policies, for everyone and throughout one’s life. So no one is left behind! Our network provides a rich source of experiences and expertise, allowing us to learn from each other, strengthen our actions and develop a common strategy to enforce our social protection rights at international, continental and national level.
Protect people’s rights, prevent negative impact from the hazards of life, promote better living conditions and thus transform societies, leaving no one behind: that is what we do on a daily basis.
Download the pdf: Our Vision on the right to universal social protection

Creation of the NGO Wereldsolidariteit-Solidarité Mondiale to oversee the development cooperation activities of the Belgian Christian Workers' Movement in order to promote decent work and social protection to fight against poverty and social exclusion.
The NGO’s strategic framework for the period 2008-2013 reorients action on direct cooperation with partners in Africa, Latin America and Asia, and includes a continental approach, where networking and synergies between partner organisations are considered as essential components.
The NGO’s 2008-2010 three-year program explicitly provides for activities focused on synergy between organisations at the national level, particularly in Benin, Burkina Faso, DR Congo, Guinea, Guatemala, India and Nepal.
Synergy and networking activities are planned in all the countries of the 2011-2013 program of the NGO.
The strategic framework for the period 2014-2019 provides for strengthening the positioning of organisations in political and thematic networks on the right to social protection at Belgian, European and international level.
The new three-year program organises national networks into continental networks in order to strengthen thematic monitoring, synergies and exchanges, via a continental steering committee self-managed by partner organisations on the continent. These networks develop communication on the right to social protection from the point of view of partner organisations through blogs and newsletters, which are widely disseminated and followed.
Given the global scope of the challenges that arise – in particular as regards the sustainable development goals, the ILO resolutions or the UN initiatives in favour of universal social protection – the national and continental networks in Africa, Latin America and Asia decide to develop the intercontinental dimension of their network, by creating a steering committee to coordinate actions at the global level.
The INSP!R network comes to life in its international dimension: first consultation in Geneva to set its objectives and operating mode, drafting of a visual identity and creation of the first working tools.
On 3 February, the new visual identity is officially launched and the network is renamed INSP!R.
Composition of the intercontinental INSP!R 2022-2023 Steering Committee
Continental coordination of the whole initiative with representatives for each continent: