NEPAN is a network organization established by development professionals and likeminded institutions dedicated to promoting participatory and people centric
approach in development interventions. This organization was established in 1992 as a loose network and registered as a non-government organization (NGO) in 1995. Currently, NEPAN has the support of around 150 life members, 161 annual members and 38 institutional members.
The core functions of NEPAN from the beginning are knowledge sharing, capacity building and research. Good governance, gender mainstreaming and social inclusion are taken as cross-cutting issues. NEPAN has been working continuously for the last 23 years with the capacity of 5-20 full time and 5-10 part-time human resources depending upon the funding size.
Its goal is to be developed as a vibrant network which is able to advocate for participatory, people centric and inclusive development in Nepal through its members, collaborators and partners.