Insp !r and the Health Mutual Identity Card presented to the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM)

Bart Verstraeten AIM
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On November 13 and 14, 2024, the Internationale Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (IAM) held its general assembly in Brussels, hosted by the Christian Mutualities of Belgium. IAM comprises 49 federations in 26 countries across Europe, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. All its members are not-for-profit and provide health cover and services linked to compulsory or complementary health insurance.



We took this opportunity to present the work of the INSP!R network and the mutualist identity card project.


Bart Verstraeten, Director-General of WSM, recounted the history of the INSP!R network to all AIM members at a festive cocktail party on the first evening of the General Meeting. This was an opportunity to exchange views with delegates from mutualist organizations on the challenges of social protection and the importance of the social movement.


The following day, at a workshop dedicated to mutualist innovations, Jean-Pierre Descan, Director of the International Department of Christian Mutuality, presented the results of the INSP !R thematic working group on health mutuals. The mutualist principles of solidarity, not-for-profit, democracy, social movement, autonomy and health actor were reaffirmed and illustrated. The whole approach was also explained, with the aim of strengthening cooperation between mutualist partners. 

The mutual health identity card tool received a great deal of attention and generated interest in the need to raise awareness of the values of mutual societies and their various possible fields of action beyond health insurance.


This is an important step in the dissemination of the mutualist identity card, as IAM now wants to think about how to add value to this work. The General Meeting of Christian Mutualities of Belgium on November 23, 2024 also enthusiastically welcomed the presentation of this project. 


To discover the identity card of a health mutual : What's a mutual health insurance ? | INSP!R