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Domestic workers : claiming the right to decent work and universal social protection

This October 7th has been designated by different social movements worldwide as a date to claim the right of every person to decent work. Therefore, INSP!R (International Network for the Right to Social Protection) joins this important day together with its more than 100 member organisations.


Eleven years ago today, C189 was adopted along with R201. These international standards provide vital protections for domestic workers and serve as a basis for domestic workers' organisations to ensure that domestic workers are covered by the labour laws of our countries.


Currently, around 16% of the world's estimated 76 million domestic workers2 (according to ILO data) are covered, and around 8% of countries - mostly Arab and Asia-Pacific countries - exclude them from coverage altogether.


Despite its contribution to the economy and society, paid household work is undervalued by much of society. It is a sector where most of the work is done by women. Many of them migrate from far away to work.


Significant progress has been made, 35 countries have ratified this convention and there has been a strong push in the regulatory frameworks to change this situation and guarantee the recognition of domestic workers' rights. However, high levels of exploitation and disrespect for their rights persist, leaving large decent work deficits in evidence: they face discrimination and violence in their work, precarious working conditions and long working hours. Wages are low and there is a lack of benefits and access to social protection systems.


The INSP!R Network therefore supports and accompanies the important work that so many domestic workers' organisations, trade unions and other social movements are doing to bring this undervalued and often exploitative work into the coverage of labour legislation, which is a fundamental step.


We urge all governments to ratify and/or implement C189 and R201. This is one of the largest sectors where the greatest proportion of work is done by women. There is no justification for them not to enjoy the same rights and protections as any other work.


Let’s know, respect, disseminate and protect the rights of domestic workers. Let’s promote a culture of decent work and non-discrimination towards domestic workers.



1 : International network present in Latin America & Caribbean, Asia, Africa, and Europe fighting for the universal right to social protection. Members are social movements, NGOs, trade unions, women's organisations, youth, elderly, etc.

2 : "Making decent work a reality for domestic workers", ILO, 2021 :