At the intersection of rising temperatures, disasters and workers' rights: INSP!R Asia tackles Climate Justice
It feels strange, standing amidst the ruins of Angkor Watt and talk about the earth we hope to leave for our children. We stick pictures of our children on a protest sign, which has “System change, not Climate Change” written on it with bold letters, made by five people from all over Asia, from trade unions, NGOs or social movements but having a birthday month in common. We then went on to also plant trees to offset the CO2 from their travel, mostly symbolic to show our commitment to a greener planet.
« These past days were all about getting to KNOW more about climate justice (not change), getting to FEEL what a burning issue it is, and getting to ACT by deciding on how to jointly fight for climate justice, just transition and adaptive social protection. » Bismo Sanyoto, who is the coordinator of the INSP!R Asia Network for WSM sharing the three goals of this gathering, in a context where the most affected are the most excluded.